Want to get your business or organization talked about in the press or online? Would you like to land a spot on the nightly news? Then you need to recognize your "story." What is it about your enterprise that people will find interesting?
Many companies and organizations have great stories but they fail to recognize them. Instead, they send out news-less news releases cluttered with promotional fluff and wonder why they can't get any press – a subject I discussed in my last post.
Recognizing your particular story isn't always easy. You need to think like a reporter. News folks are always looking for something new, unusual or interesting. They want stories about people and how they've overcome challenges. They want tales that will make for captivating photos or video. A good way to get attuned to those features is to read news and to watch TV news programs, then scrutinize your own organization or business. It's rare that there's not a story buried there somewhere.
Maybe your enterprise was founded by a couple of blue-collar, hands-on guys who are now millionaires. The public loves those rags-to-riches yarns. Does your company manufacture an unusual product, or has someone found a new way to use what you make? Could be a story there, too. Perhaps you've instituted a program that trains underprivileged youths in your trade. That could earn you some ink as well.
There are countless situations that could qualify as news. Focus on "story" and you may find some hidden gems in your own enterprise that the public would like to know about. Then it's time to write that news release. Just don't open with "Once upon a time. ..."
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